Daily Archives: 2015-02-07

The day full of simulation

Feb 5 was a tough day for me because it was full of simulation.
I held three different kinds of seminars in one day.

No.1: ECLS/ECMO related simulation in the morning from 9:00-12:00am
No.2: Acute Heart Failure Syndrome simulation in the afternoon from 1:30-5:30pm
No.3: CVC hands-on training in the evening from 6:00-8:30pm

That day I had been dedicated to simulation for 8.5 hours in total.

Even though that day was a weekday, about 10 healthcare providers joined these simulation seminars.

In Japan, traditionally off-the-job training is supposed to be held on weekends, and then this tradition often causes huge loss of free time of educators, tiredness or exhaustion both mentally and physically, moreover disagreement of family members.

Despite of these disadvantages, Japanese disciplined educators devote themselves into some sort of simulation seminars and get fulfilled with the achievement of learners.

I hope these weekday seminars will be more common and simulation instructors will have more free time on weekends.

Preparation for ECMO sim acute heart failure sim Preparation for CVC training