Monthly Archives: June 2015

SimNight 20150609

SimNight 20150609

Today, 4 medical students participated in this simulation.

All of them are in the 5th grade and they have done their clinical clerkship for just 2 months.

That means that they have little clinical experiences and their large amount of knowledge is not connected to true patient’s management, especially in emergency medicine.

I believe that simulation is supposed to be the effective bridge between their knowledge and patient management.

Case 1 :  50M
CC: chest pain lasting for one hour
Condition: anteroseptal AMI, acute pulmonary edema → VF → ROSC after 2 shocks

Case 2 :  35M
CC: orthopnea, coughing, sweating, cyanosis
PH: asthma
By ambulance
Condition:status asthmatics→β2 inhalation, steroid div → admission