Daily Archives: 2015-01-23

Comprehensive ER Simulation with ECMO

This is one of the most comprehensive ER simulation scenarios I’ve made.

Total required time for this scenario was more than one hour.

Interposed still pictures of patient information, data and images are taken from PPT slides made for this simulation. Of course these are real data from real patient.

I’ve made various kinds of these PPT slides for ER simulation based on our valuable treatment experiences. Cases are such as cardiovascular failure, respiratory failure, trauma, burn, septic shock, cardiac arrest, environmental disorder and poisoning.

As you notice, usually I use two large TV monitor (more than 50 inch), one is for displaying patient vital sings and the other is to share patient information each other.

This double monitor method is quite useful for sharing information and I love this simulation setting.

Participants can easily immerse themselves into the scenario due to real setting and true patient data derived from real patient.

This scenario has a lot of learning objectives, so that it might be too complicated to perform. For example, to perform rapid initial assessment and intervention for severe shock, to make differential diagnosis, to recognize the appropriate timing to start ECMO, to prepare and start ECMO precisely and safely and to transfer ECMO patient to another room.

However the real clinical setting is like this, so I want them to cope with the extremely difficult situation and overcome with mutual help and cooperation in simulated environment.

Dummy Blood Products etc

In order to mimic blood products, I’ve made these dummy blood products by laminating pictures with magnet in the back.

These pictures are able to stick to plastic bag which also has magnet on the surface.

This is a cheap and easy way to make simulated blood products or something like that.

This simulated blood product are made of laminated pictures with magnet in their back
This simulated blood product are made of laminated pictures with magnet in their back


Dummy Blood