All posts by Tomoyki Endo

About Tomoyki Endo

I'm Tomoyuki in Sendai City in Japan. I'm a man in my 40's and an emergency physician and also a teacher/instructor of medical simulation center of our university. I have been dedicated to teaching emergency life support skills to whoever needs those skills. My hobbies are some sports such as jogging, cycling, badminton and skiing.

First Aid for Sendai City Half Marathon Race


Yesterday I participated Sendai Half Marathon as a first aid staff leader.

More than 10,000 runners from the professional to normal citizen ran this race.

It was sunny, a little bit hot and windy, therefore many runners got sick from dehydration.

Our first aid team consisted of about 50 voluntary healthcare providers and all of them have AHA BLS license.

They were divided into small groups and allocated to several points along the entire course.

There were 3-4  staff at each point and thus they took care of runners who got sick or injured around their points.

We treated about 50 sick or injured runners during and after the race.

Obviously most of all were dehydrated and had some clamps of their leg muscles.

Unfortunately several runners were actually transferred to hospital by ambulance car.

On the other hand, luckily there was no cardiac arrest victim.

We realized that LINE which is a kind of APP for smartphone was so helpful to share our conditions timely.

I appreciate to all of our dedicated volunteer members so much.

2015 SimMarathon in Spring

CIMG2932 CIMG2937 CIMG2946 CIMG2949 CIMG2956 CIMG2948IMG_1967


Yesterday I completed SimMarathon in Spring in SIMSTAR

This is 8 hours ER based simulation for both passionate learners and facilitators.

In this simulation seminar, I’m always pursuing reality and authenticity as director.

Both real ECMO cannulation and SonoSim Live Scan are special challenges of this simulation.  Of course either worked!

SonoSim was efficiently collaborated with prepared scenarios.

Every patient has gotten resuscitated and stabilized by synergy of team dynamics 🙂

Scenarios are as follows;

64 M

CC; burn
Dx; large burn+inhalation injury by house fire, TBSA 66%(head to toe)
PH; n.p.
Tx; Airway control, fluid resuscitation, wound care etc

20 M
CC; syncope, LOC→gasping, VF
Dx; Idiopathic VF, persistent VF
PH; WPW syndrome
Tx; DC many times/adrenaline/amiodarone/intubation → ECPR(PCPS) → rhythm conversion → CT(full body)& CAG, TTM

45 M
CC; faintness, nausea
Dx; profouned bradycardia, hyperkalemia, CKD
PH; HT, DM, DM nephropathy, CKD pre-HD
Tx; Ca, GI, Lasix for hyperkalemia, atropine & TCP for bradycardia

67 M
CC; altered consciousness
Dx; Acute Pancreatitis(alcoholic) with ARDS by CECT, severe shock
PH; alcoholics
Tx; massive fluid resuscitation, ABx, intubation, low tidal volume ventilation for ARDS

16 F
CC; death leap
Dx; unstable pelvic fracture, multiple limb fractures, rt pneumothorax
PH; pregnancy susp
Tx; transfusion of O-type blood and AB-type FFP, pelvic external fixation, PPP→CT→TAE
rt pneumothorax worsening after intubation → needle decompression/chest drainage

53 M
CC; pyrexia, rt leg swelling,pain & erythema, consciousness down
PH; untreated DM
Dx; NSTI with gas of rt. leg, septic shock/DIC
Tx; EGDT, ABx, CECT, not only debriedmant but amputation needed for source control

50 M
CC; syncope, dyspnea, cyanosis
Dx; massive PE/DVT→syncope/shock
Tx; intubation/catecholamine→VA-ECMO(PCPS)→CECT
PH; overweight

64 M
CC; desaturation, high airway pressure, cannot ventilate through ETT
Situation; subacute phase of burn, intubated & sedated, mechanically ventilated
Dx; total tube obstruction by sticky and hard sputum

57 M
CC; rigidity of mouth, swallowing disorder(walk-in)
Dx; tetanus,trismus, difficult airway
PH; alcoholics
Tx; cannot ventilate/cannot intubate→TTJV→cricothyroidotomy

Reviewing 2005 US Simulation Center Tour (in Japanese)

手持ちの資料を片付けおいたら、2005幎にUS Simulation Centerの芖察Laerdal瀟による䌁画に行った時の蚘録が出おきた。僕がSimulation Educationに没頭するトリガヌずなったツアヌである。



Laerdal Tour 2005 430 Laerdal Tour 2005 354 Laerdal Tour 2005 015 Laerdal Tour 2005 108


1STRATUS simulation Centerマサチュヌセッツ州ボストン垂

2WISER Centerペンシルバニア州ピッツバヌグ垂



STRATUS simulation CenterずWISER Centerはずもに䞖界有数のメディカルシミュレヌションセンタヌであり、どちらの斜蚭においおも高機胜シミュレヌタヌを甚いた最先端のシミュレヌション教育を展開しおいる。STRATUSは小芏暡なセンタヌの代衚であり、WISERは䞖界屈指の倧芏暡シミュレヌションセンタヌである。いずれの斜蚭でも教育察象は医孊生、看護孊生、レゞデント、䞀般医垫、救急救呜士ず広範囲にわたり、゚ビデンスに基づいた救急治療をリアルなシミュレヌションでトレヌニングし、その埌の教育効果に関する評䟡研究も行っおいる。日本にはこれらのセンタヌに匹敵するシミュレヌションセンタヌがないため、䞡センタヌで展開されおいるシミュレヌション教育コンテンツ、シミュレヌションセンタヌ蚭立のノりハり、シナリオ䜜成技術、指導者むンストラクタヌ、ファシリテヌタヌ逊成の手法に関しお芖察を行った。

【STRATUS simulation Center】

STRATUSでは、Dr. ポズナヌの指導の䞋、院内救急・医療の質向䞊のためのシミュレヌション教育ず教育効果怜蚌に぀き研究を行った。特にDr. ポズナヌが力を入れお展開しおいるCrisis Management緊急危機管理察策に぀いお倚くの知芋を埗た。以䞋項目別に列挙する。

  • シミュレヌタヌを甚いた院内救急コヌドトレヌニング

Dr. ポズナヌの所属するBrigham and Women’s Hospitalでは、シミュレヌタヌを䜿っお病院内で抜き打ちの蘇生コヌドを走らせる。集たったスタッフには倒れたはずの傷病者がシミュレヌタヌであるこずが刀明しおも、そのたたコヌドを走らせ、蘇生にいたるように努力させる。シミュレヌタヌにはあらかじめ決たったシナリオがむンストヌルされおおり、時間以内にやるべき凊眮を行わないず死亡する。このようなトレヌニングを毎月のように行うこずで、病院ずしおの緊急時ぞの察策ずしおいる。コヌドに参加したものは、「次はい぀やるのか」ずいうようなこずを聞くが、あくたでも極秘スケゞュヌルである。これらはただの「脅し」のトレヌニングではなく、蘇生開始たでの時間、陀现動たでの時間、気管挿管たでの時間、゚ピネフリン静泚たでの時間を蚈枬し、蘇生行為そのものが劥圓であったのかどうかを怜蚌しおいる。このようなシミュレヌタヌを甚いた蘇生コヌドトレヌニングは、病院の安党管理グルヌプがただ䞀方的にやり続けおも効果的ではない。衚裏䞀䜓ずなる教育システムが敎備されおはじめおその効果を怜蚌できる。STRATUSはその教育を䞀手に匕き受ける教育斜蚭ずなっおいる。

  • シミュレヌション教育が必芁な理由


  • ヒュヌマンペむシェントシミュレヌタヌ


  • フルスケヌルシミュレヌション


  • シミュレヌションずミス


  • シミュレヌションセンタヌず専属職員


  • Microsimulation

同じシミュレヌションでも近幎PC䞊でシミュレヌションを行う゜フトの開発が進んでおり、このようなPCシミュレヌションを「Microsimulation」ず呌んでいる。STRATUSではMicrosimulationを利甚した教育を十分に掻甚しおいる。MicrosimulationはPC䞊ずはいえ、実際の症䟋のダむレクトな反応を評䟡しながら蚺断ず治療を行うProblem Based Learningであり孊習効果は高い。この゜フトには様々なシナリオがむンストヌルされおおり、画面䞊には実際の救急倖来などのシチュ゚ヌションが出おきお、チヌムリヌダヌずしお実際の患者の評䟡・凊眮・治療を行っおいく。評䟡・凊眮・治療は幟぀かの項目から遞択する。シナリオを終了するず遞択した凊眮が適切であったかどうかのフィヌドバック画面が衚瀺される。孊習者個人で自䞻孊習するこずも可胜であるが、やはりシナリオに粟通し、ポむントを倖さず指導できるファシリテヌタヌがいるず孊習効果は曎に高たる。ファシリテヌタヌ抜きで、ただPC䞊でシナリオをこなしただけではゲヌム感芚で終わっおしたう可胜性が高く、そこにe-learningの難しさがある。

【WISER center】

WISERでは、Dr. ゞョン シェむファヌの指導の䞋、「いかにしおシミュレヌションセンタヌを立ち䞊げるか」ずいうこずに関しおのコヌスに参加し、数倚くのノりハりを埗るこずができた。以䞋、幟぀かのステップで解説する。

  • ステップ1「教育察象ずその母数を掌握する」




  • ステップ 2「それぞれの教育察象に察しおどのようなコヌスを開催するかを決める。」



救急隊              BLS/ACLS/倖傷蚺療、基本的気道管理手技、脳血管障害の初療

救急救呜士       BLS/ACLS/倖傷蚺療、基本的気道管理手技、困難な気道の管理手技、


看護孊生           BLS/ACLS/倖傷蚺療、ベッドサむド手技、ICUオリ゚ンテヌション

看護垫              BLS/ACLS/倖傷蚺療、ベッドサむド手技、基本的気道管理手技

医孊生              BLS/ACLS/倖傷蚺療、臚床蚺断技術、䞍安定患者ぞのアプロヌチ


研修医              BLS/ACLS/倖傷蚺療、ベッドサむド手技、困難な気道の管理手技



臚床医              BLS/ACLS/倖傷蚺療、コヌドチヌムトレヌニング、小児の危機管理


䞀般垂民           BLS、ミニ医孊講座


  • ステップ 3「リアルなトレヌニングを行うためにふさわしい環境・蚭備を敎える。」

“他人のゎミは、自分にずっおは宝物かも知れない。” 䞭叀品や期限切れ品などを再利甚するルヌトを䜜り、無駄な投資をしないように工倫をするこずが重芁である。䞍芁ずなったベッド、ストレッチャヌ、点滎台、点滎ポンプ、テヌブル、机、怅子などはできるだけ利甚する。党おが新品である必芁はない。コンピュヌタヌなどはタヌンオヌバヌが早いため、少々叀い機皮でもりェブの閲芧甚ずしおは十分に再利甚可胜なものが倚い。医療資材は期限切れや、䞀床開けたけど䜿甚しなかったものなどを回収すれば立掟にトレヌニング甚に甚いるこずができる。薬剀なども䜿甚枈みのシリンゞに氎を入れおおけば、シミュレヌションでは十分にその圹割を果たす。その他の戊略ずしおは、病院の医療安党グルヌプず組むこずが掚奚される。トレヌニングの重芁性を理解しおもらえれば新芏の噚材賌入の予算確保が可胜ずなるかもしれない。たた䌁業ず提携しおいくのも䞀぀の方法である。宣䌝を目的ずしおサンプルを無料で提䟛しおもらうこずが期埅できる。この堎合、限定した䌁業に偏るこずなく、あらゆる䌁業の協力を受ける必芁がある。


手術宀              手術台、麻酔噚、モニタヌ類、薬剀カヌト、倖科手術甚具、吞匕

ICU                  ICUベッド、人工呌吞噚、モニタヌ、点滎ポンプ、救急カヌト、吞匕

䞀般病宀           入院ベッド、限られたスペヌス

講矩宀              十分な広さ、怅子、テヌブル、AV機噚、ホワむトボヌド



  • ステップ 4「受講生のニヌズに芋合ったコヌスを実際に開催できるのかどうか、論理的に考慮する。」



  • ステップ 5「教育手法的に効果の䞊がるスペヌス䜜り、フィヌドバック方法を考える。」以䞋のような環境敎備を怜蚎する。










  • ステップ 6「限られた環境でも、そこで最倧限可胜な教育を始め、指導者を育成する。」



【総 括】

院内救急システム構築のみならず、広く「Save Lives」ずいう倧きなミッションを達成するためには、シミュレヌション教育は今埌必須のツヌルであるこずは間違いない。WISERセンタヌにおけるシミュレヌション教育のシステムは非垞に完成床が高く、シナリオ䜜成、むンフラ敎備、スタッフ教育、ビゞネスモデルに至るたで党おのノりハりを日本でも十分に掻かす必芁がある。泚意すべきは、WISERセンタヌのような倧きなシミュレヌションセンタヌがあちこちに乱立するのは賢明なこずではなく、倧孊病院を䞭心ずしお栞ずなるシミュレヌションセンタヌを地域にいく぀か䜜り、それらの運営ノりハりを分かちあう圢で、地域病院単䜍ではSTRATUSのような小芏暡なセンタヌを敎備しおいくのが理想的である。

Outline and Rules for SimMarathon


I want to introduce the outline and rules of my special simulation seminar named “SimMarathon”

Registration 8:308:45

Start time 900  Finish time 1700

Outline and Rules

  • You can freely eat and drink some prepared cakes and drinks.
  • Please donate a little bit after the entire simulation. Neither upper nor lower limit.
  • Your name card is also the certificate of attendance.
  • This Sim room is supposed to be a tertiary emergency room of general hospital. We have to accept all of the patients who is coming regardless of the severity and type of illness. In this Sim room, most of all kinds of examinations and treatments such as ultrasound, radiology (Portable X-ray, CT and MRI), laboratory tests(CBC, Chemistry and Coagulation), blood transfusion, NPPV, mechanical ventilation and ECMO therapy are available 24-7.
  • If ECMO therapy is required, your team is supposed to start ECMO procedures such as priming, cannulation and pump-on with a water-drill circuit.
  • Time management will be based on the special clock prepared for simulation.
  • All patients brought into ER are supposed to be seriously ill or injured in general.
  • The goal of each scenario is to evaluate the patient condition thoroughly and give appropriate interventions timely and then get stability before ICU admission.
  • Regardless of career, each trainee is supposed to be in charge of one scenario as a team leader. Other team members will put on bibs for various kinds of roles.
  • The recorder who is in charge of writing down the medical chart on white board will be changed every time.
  • The team leader should be focused on gathering patient information, analyzing patient diagnosis and giving proper orders to the other team members.
  • The constructive intervention or advice from other team members will be fully allowed.
  • Please guess the differential diagnosis based on the prehospital information before the patient arrives in ER.
  • You have to deal with the simulator as if it were a real patient. The simulator’s condition such as eye opening, pupils (size and light reflex), airway difficulty, respiratory sounds, heart sounds, and pulsatility of each pulse are set like a real patient as far as possible.
  • Some physical findings such as jugular vein distention, skin lesion, legs edema will be shared by photos taken by real patients.
  • Patient history will be summarized and shared as AMPLE.
  • When team leader gives orders related to drug injection or fluid administration, the leader should tell the kind of fluid, IV access site, size of catheter, IV volume and speed in detail. If micro-infusion is required, the precise speed like ÎŒg/kg/min should be determined.
  • 12 leads ECG will be shown right after each electrode has attached to simulator.
  • Blood gas analysis data will be shown one or two minutes later.
  • Portable X-ray findings will be shown right after taking them.
  • When you want to use defibrillator pads for defibrillation or TCP, use the alternative connector made for this purpose.
  • Video-assisted laryngoscopes such as MacGRATH and AirwayScope are available. DAM cart is also available. You can use whatever you want to use.
  • If CT study is needed, the team has to move the patient to simulated CT room next to the ER.
  • The rest of the trainees might be responsible for some extra roles such as patient’s family member, radiology specialist and laboratory specialist.
  • Each scenario contains mini-lecture, which will be done with debriefing.
  • You can use your own smartphone or tablet or computer or whatever you can access on internet.
  • You can refer any kinds of books or texts you want to search with.
  • You can use WiFi of this room.
  • We won’t have lunch break. You have to take some break respectively.
  • SimMarathon will be ended at 5 pm.
  • Please write the evaluation form after this seminar.

Simulation with Double Large Monitors



I usually do scenario simulation with two large TV monitors.

The size of those TV monitors is about 50-inches.

One is used for sharing patient’s information(above; skin of burn patient) and the other is for showing vital signs such as HR, BP(ABP or NBP), SpO2, BT and etCO2.

This method is quite useful. All trainees can share information at a glance vividly and easily.

In order to get them immersed into scenario, I  gather real patient’s data from EMR or photos taken at bedside and then attach them on PPT slide.

Real data, real monitor sounds and dynamic changes of patient’s vital signs can make trainees perform seriously.

I love this method very much. I can’t help but doing this!

Instructor Competency

IMG_1881Recently I’ve read this book. It tells us how to build our competency as an instructor in various settings such as face-to-face, on-line and blended one.

Obviously every domain is applicable to our any kind of education. Especially I strongly agree with the first domain called “PROFESSIONAL FOUNDATIONS”

  1. Communicate effectively
  1. Update and improve one’s professional knowledge and skills
  1. Comply with established ethical and legal standards
  1. Establish and maintain professional credibility

Those are core, vital and fundamental abilities to be an effective instructor. Furthermore, an emotionally disciplined instructor will be able to have huge influence on learners.

ECMO and AHFS simulation

Today, I completed the 14th ECMO simulation and the 13th acute heart failure syndrome(AHFS) simulation of this year.

ECMO simulation: 9:00 am – 0:30 pm

AHFS simulation: 1:30 pm – 5:30 pm

A participant came from Sapporo and another one came from Hamamatsu, both are far from Sendai City.

In this year, the total number of participants of ECMO Sim is 118(mean 8.4) and those of AHFS Sim is 93(mean 7.1).

I really want all of those learners to show much much better performance with confidence than the past in the real clinical settings of both ECMO and AHFS practice.

AHFS CS1AHFS CS5 pulmonary embolism CTECMO circuitECMO cannulation

SimNight 20150224

“SimNight”  is one of my special and free simulation seminars for any healthcare providers at SIMSTAR.

SIMSTAR is an abbreviation of our simulation center;

SImulation center for Medical Skills Training And Reserch

On Feb 24, more than 10 learners including young doctors and ICU nurses working at a certain city hospital came to our simulation center voluntarily.

The first and the second scenarios were made to have them experience common circulatory collapse happened to ventilated patient in ICU.

Scenarios are as follows;

1. 70 years old man
In ICU, on ventilator, SIMV(PC)
Diag. ARDS caused by pneumonia
a. hypotension due to rapid A-fib(HR≒180)→syncronized cardioversion
b. rt tension pneumothorax→needle decompression then chest drainage

2. 66 years old man
CC: severe shock, abdominal pain, diarrhea
PH: n.p.
By ambulance
Condition: AOSC, septic shock→intubation, EGDT, EST/ENBD→admission in ICU